Book Tasting Event
Our 2nd and 3rd-grade students participated in a book tasting event in the library the week before Thanksgiving Break. The library was transformed into the Firebird Cafe, and students were able to "taste" or sample many of our new books along with trying out different genres. They had so much fun and were able to check out some exciting new reads! Our other grade levels are looking forward to their turns soon.
The 7th Annual Hour of Code Is Coming!
For the 7th year, all students at Fairmount will participate in an Hour of Code in December using Chromebooks or iPads. They will practice computer coding in a kid-friendly way. Besides supporting our district's technology standards, Hour of Code will give students a chance to try coding and hopefully spark their interest. There are tutorials/puzzles for every age. Go to to try it yourself!
Robotics Club
The Fairmount Robotics Club is rocking and rolling! We have 24 students designing and building robots to work on the VEX Robotics challenge called Pitching In. The game's object is to score points by placing balls in goals, clearing corrals, and making their robot hang from a bar. Our big event is scheduled for early April.
Spelling Bee--Save the Date!
The Fairmount Spelling Bee written qualifying pretest for 4th and 5th graders will be on Monday, January 10, 2022, at 9:00 am in the cafeteria. We will send lists with practice words home with those students who qualify after January 10. The school bee will be in the library on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 2:00 pm.