Colorado Schools Testing Program: The Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) will be in English language arts (ELA) and math for grades 3 through 5 and science for students in grades 5. The testing will be given in one state testing window – April 4th through April 29th. Standardized tests inform our parents and school in many ways. Our teachers, for example, review the results from the state tests to adjust their instruction. Students and families will be provided a fuller understanding of their mastery of grade-level expectations from the CMAS. In addition, Fairmount is accredited, in part, based on CMAS results. We will send home a detailed testing schedule by grade level as we get closer to the testing window. We will also post it on our website.
Spring Break is March 21st -March 28th for students. Students return on Tuesday, March 29th. We hope all of you have a safe and enjoyable break with your family!
If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please call the office or email me at