Save your milk caps, earn money for Fairmount!


Last year we collected 14,098 product caps, raising $704 for our school! Not only does Fairmount benefit by receiving 5 cents for every cap we collect, but we save many caps from going to a landfill by returning these to the dairy so they can be recycled.


How can you help if you aren’t already participating? Just follow these 3 simple steps!

1. Start saving Longmont Dairy product caps if you already use their service (You can sign up here).
2. Collect caps from family, friends, and neighbors too!
3. Place clean caps in plastic bags with your student’s first and last name, grade, and number of caps enclosed written on the outside of the bag.


The Fairmount PTA sponsors a monthly prize drawing for students who have participated. To enter, students must place caps in the collection container by the last school day of each month. The winner is revealed the following week during the morning announcements. Monthly winners will receive a $5 gift card to Golden Sweets Ice Cream.


Thank-you to all the families who have contributed to the success of our partnership with Longmont Dairy for the “Milk Caps for Moo-la” program!


Contact the Fairmount “Moo-la” parent volunteer, Sarah Cooper, with any questions.