Fairmount Elementary Volunteer Opportunities


Families and Fairmount Working Together!





When parents get involved in their children’s education, good things happen!

Grades go up, test scores rise, and behavior improves. Plus, children with involved parents are more likely to pass their classes, graduate, and further their education after high school. We are grateful to serve a community that knows how much parent involvement matters. The Fairmount PTA believes that no single person can do everything, but together, we can make a difference.


There are numerous ways to volunteer, and we always welcome new volunteers. Volunteering is a fantastic way to meet people and gain insight into the school. Even if you work, there are plenty of ways to help out without committing too much time.


Even if you only have one hour to spare, your willingness to volunteer helps our students and allows you to become more involved in your child's education and our community's success.


Getting started is easy:

  1. If you're unsure where your talents would be best utilized, fill out the volunteer survey. This will help us match you with a committee or event that aligns with your interests and schedule.
  2. Check out the open PTA volunteer positions below. We have specific needs that you could help fulfill.
  3. Email the committee leader to join one of the event planning committees. Contact information can be found here.

Open PTA Positions



  • Secretary | Board Position

  • Back to School Bash Committee Member (x2)


    Firebirds on the Fairway Planning Committee (x2)

  • Garden Club Committee Member 

  • Sponsorship Committee (x2)






Check back for more volunteer opportunities. Contact Julie at vp@fairmountpta.org with any questions. Thank you in advance for your support of Fairmount!