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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
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Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 5 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 7 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 8 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 9 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 10 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 11 in a rotating selection of images.


Good to Know 

Fairmount Elementary Spirit Wear

You have asked... and we have listened.  

Order Spirit Wear


Spirit Wear is now available YEAR ROUND and can be ordered at your convenience 


Spirit Wear will now be available year round at SquadLocker

(use code Fairmount15 for 15% off through 8/27)! 

Let the PTA know if there is a certain item you are looking for, and we can add it to the store.