Stock the Friday (1st Grade) Contributions Due


Throughout the school year, we will be stocking the staff lounge with treats and drinks for our treasured Fairmount faculty. Each month families of a designated grade level will be invited to participate. This month, we welcome our FIRST GRADE families to sign up to bring in an item or items to help stock the lounge.

Contributions will be due on Monday, November 6th and collected by the main doors from 7:35 am-7:50 am. Look for the red wagon by the flagpole!

Thank you for helping us support our Fairmount teachers and staff by participating in our grade-level Stock the Fridge efforts to provide a little sunshine in the staff lounge each month. When possible, please opt for Costco size of each snack. 

Thank you for contributing to this much appreciated treat for our teachers. Please sign up at the link below!

Monday, November 6, 2023 7:35am